CLASS TIMINGS - Science: 10:30 A.M. to 04:30 P.M. | Arts: 12:30 P.M. to 06:30 P.M. | Commerce: 02:30 P.M. to 07:30 P.M.


Established in the year 1961
NAAC Accredited  |  Affiliated to Calcutta University

Faculty & Departments - Science - Economics

The Department of Economics was established in 1961 as a General Department. The department offers general course at the undergraduate level As per the CU rules the Department will provide the programme in Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) from 2018-19 session. The Department also participate in the Honours and General course provided by the department of Commerce. The department has two Government approved full time teaching posts. It has a Departmental Library with almost 200 books. There is internet facility for both Teachers and students. There are class rooms with ICT facilities.

# State Aided College Teacher



  • Department of Economics
    National Seminar on "75th Year of Independence: the Challenges and Opportunities before India in Contemporary Global Trade Scenario" on 27/05/2023.
  • Department of Economics
    National Seminar on "75th Year of Independence: the Challenges and Opportunities before India in Contemporary Global Trade Scenario" on 27/05/2023.
  • Department of Economics
    National Seminar on "75th Year of Independence: the Challenges and Opportunities before India in Contemporary Global Trade Scenario" on 27/05/2023.


Department of Economics, VMC

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