With an eye to infusing the sense of Statistics into the students, the Statistics Department of Vidyasagar Metropolitan College is committed to deliver a high-quality Statistics course to meet the needs of the various majors and to facilitate future research works in different spheres of education.
With a focus on holistic development, the Physics Department at Vidyasagar Metropolitan College plays a pivotal role in enhancing the statistical literacy of the students to ensure that the compilation and dissemination of statistics are in accordance with scientific principles, professional ethics and international standards and developing the next generation of statistics professionals so that the demands of proliferation of quantitative information in society can be met with.
Year of Establishment: 1985 (But with the unfortunate death of Prof. Tapan Kumar Dey in the year 2004, the college stopped offering the subject from the academic session 2006-2007. After a gap of eight years the subject was reintroduced in the academic session 2014-2015.).
Names of Programmes/Courses offered: Multidisciplinary Courses of Studies in Statistics.
Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved: Statistics for Practioners for the students of Physiology (Honours).
Annual/Semester/Choice Based Credit System (programme wise): Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for students admitted upto Academic Year 2022-23 and Curriculum and Credit Framework (CCF) system has been introduced in 2023-24.
Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments: NA.
Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc.: None.
Skill enhancement courses offered: Research Methodology (CBCS), Monte Carlo Method (CBCS), An Introduction of R (CCF).
Discipline specific Elective papers offered: Operations Research.