Established in the year 1961
NAAC Accredited | Affiliated to Calcutta University
Publishing Date | Title/Topic/Detail | Link |
22.03.2025 |
Corrigendum to the Tender notice regarding plumbing work dated 21/3/25 ![]() Please read point number 3 and 4 under work details as:3. Supply and Installation of approximate 140 ft Supreme PVC waste pipe of diameter 100 mm with required accessories to be connected to sewerage Pit. 4. Supply and Installation of approximate 140 ft Supreme PVC waste pipe of diameter 75 mm with required accessories to be connected to sewerage Pit. Other work details and conditions mentioned in the original notice will remain the same. Principal |
21.03.2025 |
Tender notice for Plumbing works (inlet and waste line) ![]() Please check the attached file for details |
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21.03.2025 |
Marble flooring for 1st floor class rooms and laboratory ![]() Please check attached file for details |
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17.03.2025 |
Tender Notice for Portable Spirometer ![]() Quotations are invited in sealed cover for supply and installation of Portable Spirometer as per details attached. Time limit of supply of the item will be within 7 days after issuing of Work Order.Sealed envelope containing quotation, copy of trade license, GST registrationcertificate and PAN card can be dropped at tender box available near the glassdoor of new building entrance by 2 pm of 21/03/2025.Contact number of the vendor should be clearly mentioned on the outside ofthe envelope for sharing information.For any query related to the specification: 8961824708PRINCIPAL |
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17.02.2025 |
Extension of last date for submission of Tender ![]() This is for information of all concerned that last date for submission of tenders with number ''''Tender No: VMC/Office/Furniture/1/25 dated 10/02/2025, Tender No: VMC/Office/Furniture/2/25 dated 10/02/2025, Tender No: VMC/Office/Building/2/25 dated 10/02/2025, Tender No: VMC/Office/Building/3/25 dated 10/02/2025 and Tender No: VMC/Office/Building/4/25 dated 10/02/2025'''' is being extended up to 12 noon of 21.02.2025. All other details will remain the same. - Principal |
11.02.2025 |
Corrigendum to tender notices dated 10.2.2025 ![]() This is for information of all concerned that last date for submission of tenders with number ''Tender No: VMC/Office/Furniture/1/25 dated 10/02/2025, Tender No: VMC/Office/Furniture/2/25 dated 10/02/2025, Tender No: VMC/Office/Building/2/25 dated 10/02/2025, Tender No: VMC/Office/Building/3/25 dated 10/02/2025 and Tender No: VMC/Office/Building/4/25 dated 10/02/2025'' will be 12 noon of 17.02.2025. All other details will remain the same. - Principal |
10.02.2025 |
Tender notice for plumbing work ![]() Check attached file for details |
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10.02.2025 |
Patch repairing of college building ![]() Check attached file |
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10.02.2025 |
Tender notice for painting of boundary wall ![]() Check the attached file for details |
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10.02.2025 |
Tender notice for purchase of chairs for computer lab ![]() Check attached file for details |
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10.02.2025 |
Tender notice for making of cover box etc ![]() Please check the attached file for details |
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03.02.2025 |
Painting of college building Please check the attached file for details |
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11.01.2025 |
Tender 1 : Painting & Repairing Of Selected Laboratories Of Vidyasagar Group Of Colleges Please check attachment |
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11.01.2025 |
Tender 2: Painting & Repairing of Girls & Boys Common Room of Vidyasagar Group Of Colleges Please check the attachment |
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11.01.2025 |
Tender 3: Painting & Repairing of Canteen of Vidyasagar Group Of Colleges Please check attachment |
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11.01.2025 |
Tender 4: Painting & Repairing of Vidyasagar Statue and Adjacent Area of Vidyasagar Group Of Colleges Please check attached file |
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31.12.2024 |
Tender notice for Interior Painting Interested vendors with proven track record can submit quotation in sealed envelope for Interior Painting work as per following details. Sealed envelopes containing quotation can be dropped at tender box situated near the glass door at new building entrance by 1 p.m of 06/01/2025Scope of work:1. Scraping of wall , ceiling and metal window surface 2. Putty work for surface as per requirement 3. Primer work two coats with reputed branded primer paint 4. Finish painting two coats with reputed branded paint5. Cleaning of floor and other surfaces.Total area of proposed work ( Physiology lab, Office and Principal''s chamber) approximately 4000 sq ft including metal windows.Principal |
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12.12.2024 |
Extension of tender submission date The last date of tender bid submission w.r.t construction of office washroom ( dated 06/12/24), renovation of office ( dated 06/12/24) , marble flooring of laboratory (dated 06/12/24) and supplying and installation of Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine and Incinerator (dated 07/12/24) are hereby extended upto 12 noon of 16/12/24. Other conditions will remain same as per original notice- Principal. |
10.12.2024 |
e tender for IT materials Please check attached file for details. |
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07.12.2024 |
Tender notice for Sanitary Napkin Vending Machine and Incinerator Please check attached file for details |
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06.12.2024 |
Tender notice for marble flooring of Laboratory Please check attached file for details. |
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06.12.2024 |
Tender notice for renovation of office Please check the attached file for details |
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06.12.2024 |
Tender Notice for Office_Washroom Please Check the attached file for details |
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23.08.2024 |
Tender notice for Interactive Panel Please click the attached file regarding Tender notice inviting tenders for Items/materials for one number Interactive Panel |
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21.08.2024 |
Items and Materials for CCTV system Please click the attached file regarding Tender notice inviting tenders for Items/materials for CCTV system. |
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29.07.2024 |
Extention of date of tender_Furniture The last date of submission of quotation for supply and installation of Furniture & Fixtures vide Tender No: VMC/Office/Furniture/01/24 dated 22/07/2024 is being extended up to 2:00 p.m. of 6th August, 2024. |
22.07.2024 |
Tender_Furniture_24 Interested vendors with proven track record can submit quotation in sealed envelope for supply and installation of Furniture & Fixtures as per following details. Sealed envelopes containing quotation can be dropped at tender box situated near the glass door at new building entrance by 1 p.m of 29/7/2024. |
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11.06.2024 |
Instruments for Physics laboratory A digital Hall effect setup (DHE-21A, SES, Roorkee) and a moving coil dead beat galvanometer needed. Please see attachment for detail. |
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05.01.2024 |
Tender_Supply of Instruments for B.Sc Physics Laboratory Vidyasagar Metropolitan College invites quotations from reputed supplier for procurement of essential instruments in B.Sc. Physics laboratory. We seek your expertise in delivering high-quality instruments with detailed specifications and robust warranty support. |
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18.12.2023 |
Extension of date of tender The last date of submission of quotation for supply of electrical items and equipment vide Tender No: VMC/Office/Electrical/08/23 dated 11/12/2023 is being extended upto 2:00 p.m of 22nd December, 2023. |
11.12.2023 |
Tender Notice for electrical item Click the attached file for details |
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10.10.2023 |
Tender_Repairing of Physics Lab_Vidyasagar Gr of Colleges ''Please click know more for details'' |
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10.10.2023 |
Tender_Renewing roofshed and ceiling_Vidyasagar Gr of Colleges Please click ''know more for details'' |
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10.10.2023 |
Tender_Painting & Plumbing_Vidyasagar Gr of Colleges Please click ''know more for details'' |
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10.10.2023 |
Tender_Repairing of Gents & ladies Toilet_Vidyasagar Gr of Colleges Please click ''know more for details'' |
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10.10.2023 |
Tender_Renovation of Physics Lab_Vidyasagar Gr of Colleges Please click ''know more'' for details |
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03.10.2023 |
Extension of date for tender submission The last date of submission of tenders in reference to Tender No. VMC/Office/Building/5/23 dated 22/09/2023 and VMC/Office/Building/4/23 dated 22/09/2023 is being extended upto 2 p.m of 5/10/2023. Vendors must mention their contact number on out side of the envelop so that information regarding bid opening schedule be communicated in advance. |
29.09.2023 |
Revised Tender Notice for Magazine Please click "know more" for details |
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22.09.2023 |
Tender notice for office repair and painting Please click know more for details |
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22.09.2023 |
Tender notice for flooring of Botany Lab Click know more for details |
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29.08.2023 |
Tender Notice for Magazine Please click ''know more'' for details |
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21.08.2023 |
Tender notice for Housekeeping job Please click ''know more'' for details |
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28.07.2023 |
Extension of date for tender submission for security guard The last date of submission of tenders in reference to Tender No. VMC/Office/Security/5/23 Dated:17/07/2023 is being extended upto 4 p.m of 7/8/2023. Vendors must mention their contact number on out side of the envelop so that information regarding bid opening schedule be communicated in advance. |
17.07.2023 |
Tender Notice for Security Guard Please click ''know more'' for details |
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08.07.2023 |
Tender notice for Glow sign board Please click ''know more'' for details |
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08.07.2023 |
Tender notice for marble flooring Click ''know more'' for details |
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24.04.2023 |
Tender Notice VMC/Office/Solar/2/23 dated 24/4/2023 Visit with e tender id 2023_DHE_518963_1. Please click ''know more'' for details. |
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09.03.2023 |
Extension of date for tender submission w.e.t Tender No VMC/Office/Furniture/01/23 dated 03/3/2023 The last date of submission of quotation for Tender No VMC/Office/Furniture/01/23 dated 03/3/2023 is being extended up to 4 p.m of 11/3/2023. Other conditions and specifications will remain the same as per notice dated 03/3/2023-Teacher in Charge |
03.03.2023 |
ACP False Ceiling Please click ''know more'' for details |
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15.02.2023 |
Tender notice for engagement of security guards Tender notice for engagement of security guards |
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15.02.2023 |
Procurement of Tin Slug (Sn 99.995%) Sealed quotations are invited from reputed suppliers of Alfa Aesar by Thermo Fisher/ MERC (Sigma-Aldrich) Scientific with established track record for supply of research laboratory grade elements. Please also mention the expected date of delivery. The last date of submission of the quotations is 22nd February, 2023, 4.00 PM, at Department of Physics |
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