Principal's Message
Bearing the legacy of Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar’s relentless struggle for ensuring education for all, Vidyasagar Metropolitan College stands as an icon of inspiration for every student and teacher walking these corridors, both in terms of the past it cradles as well as the present it nurtures as seeds for the future of this country. In this college, we try to ensure that students who might otherwise be unable to attend classes owing to employment during the morning hours to supplement their family income, find access to the best resources and teachers, beginning classes a little later in the day. Bringing together some of the finest minds in our classrooms, distinctive by their grit and determination to succeed despite all odds, we encourage creative and critical thinking in all fields of enquiry.
I welcome you to Vidyasagar Metropolitan College, where every academic endeavour is enmeshed with the ideals of knowledge, sacrifice and service.
Dr. Arghya Sarkar