
Vidyasagar Metropolitan College (erstwhile Vidyasagar Evening College) is run by a Governing Body formed as per The West Bengal Universities and Colleges (Administration and Regulation) Act 2017. The body consists of 13 persons including a President nominated by Government of West Bengal, Principal or Vice Principal or Teacher-in-charge, three whole time regular teachers (including librarians and graduate laboratory instructors), one non-teaching employee, two persons nominated by State Government, one person nominated by West Bengal State Council of Higher Education, one representative from donor of the college or from a sponsoring body, two persons nominated by affiliating university and one student representative.
ThePrincipal is the administrative head for day-to-day affairs of the college. The Governing Body in consultation with the Principal and Teachers' Council elects the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as per the guidelines of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) which looks after the academic and administrative quality of the institution. The Finance Sub-committee is a statutory body which takes care of the financial affairs of the college along with bursar. The academic departments and various other subcommittees look after the academic and administrative activities. Several auxiliary bodies help in extension activities of the college.